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The Bond That Built Us Page 3

  After her prodding my back a few more times, she gives up and leaves my room. This week is going to fucking suck. Maybe I should just say fuck the rule and screw them both, consequences be damned. They can hate me all they want, it can’t be worse than this. Eh. I’ll think about it in the morning.



  I am unloading the groceries MJ and Josh got and stocking the fridge and pantry while everyone else is in the living room discussing the day’s plans. I try and stretch the crick in my neck and back out, every muscle in my body aching from the god awful couch and lack of good sleep the night before. The blanket I used is folded neatly in the corner, with my pillow placed on top.

  “I want to get a mani and pedi today before we go clubbing,” Cara says. “MJ and I need it. You two boys can go golfing or something equally boring.” I notice she left me out of the planning. Which is fine with me, I have every intention of sitting by the pool with a book and listen to-- bitch didn’t get my cereal! I had three things on that list and she didn’t get any of them!

  I look over into the living room and see Kellan’s eyes on me. He knows I’m pissed about something and he raises his eyebrows almost as a ‘do it’ gesture. So, I do.

  “How come you didn’t get what I asked?” I interrupt.

  MJ swirls her head around and gives me a dirty look. “Because there was no way in hell I was going to buy Sour Cream and Onion potato chips. Seriously, AJ, talk about bad breath and grease.”

  “But you said if I put it on the list you’d get it. Do you have something against cereal and coffee?”

  “No, but you are the only one who asked for them so I went with the majority. Get over it.” She turns back to face everyone else and continues her conversation. “Anyway, there is a spa a couple blocks away-“

  I leave their perishables on the counter and storm to my bag and grab my purse then leave. I don’t know where I’m going or what I’m going to do once I get there but I don’t want to be near my cousin. What was I thinking? Of course she isn’t going to change because of one little vacation. Especially since Cara is here.

  As I wander, I stop in front of an American market. I peruse the shelves and throw a few things into my little hand basket.The majority of customers in here are hung over college kids searching for ibuprofen and Gatorade, while a select few are older adults thankful they don’t have to translate everything on the packaging.

  I walk down the pharmacy aisle, passing Q-tips, toothpaste, and vitamins until I stop behind a really old couple examining a box ofcondoms. I can hear their amused chatter, surprised at how the box claims the double ridges guarantee a better orgasm for both him and her. A shiver travels down my spine, then a slight taste of vomit in my mouth. I pivot on my heels and try to drive the thoughts of my own grandparents out of my head.

  After I check out I smile the whole way back to the villa. When I walk in, Kellan immediately stands up and sighs. Josh snaps at me for leaving alone, while Cara and MJ seem completely unaffected, maybe even a little disappointed that I am back.

  I yank out the few food items I bought for myself and then chuck the last box straight at MJ’s head. “You forgot to pick that up for yourself.” I hold back a grin as she eyes the box of Preparation H in her hands. Kellan and Josh laugh hysterically while MJ looks completely mortified. She and Cara leave shortly after.

  I call my parents and assure them that I’m okay. I forgot to call them when we landed and my mom is pissed. I hold the phone a few inches away from my ear while she tells me how worried she had been and how she got zero sleep just thinking about the awful things that could have happened to her only child.

  “Mom, I’m sorry. We got in late and I was so tired I just forgot.”

  “I know, but you need to give me some peace of mind. Your poor dad was pacing around the room late last night freaking out about you, too. We kept checking our phones making sure you didn’t call.” I can hear my dad in the background, saying “let me talk to her” over and over again.

  “Mom, I said I’m sorry. I’ll make sure to call you from now on.”

  She sighs heavily, and I know she is nodding, even though I can’t see her. It’s something she does, she gestures a lot when she’s on the phone, though the other person can’t see. “You’d better. Now your father wants to speak with you, hold on. Love you, AJ!”

  “Sweet Pea?” My dad asks as soon as he grabs the phone. “How is it down there?”

  “It’s nice, dad. I haven’t been able to be outside much yet, just to go to the store this morning. But I’m definitely happy I’m here and not there.”

  Dad chuckles in the phone. “Right after you left the temp dropped another fifteen degrees. It’s nearing the single digits now. And you’re in shorts and a swim suit. I can’t say I blame you.”

  “And just to make you even more jealous, I’m about to go outside and lay out by the beach. It’s weird wearing sunglasses for the sun and not the bright glare off of snow.”

  “Listen, Sweet Pea, I don’t want you running around out there alone. Please tell me someone is going with you.”

  “Um, yeah, dad,” I lie. I hate lying to him but the beach is right there! I can see it from here, and there are people all around, so I’m sure I’m safe.

  “Good. Now call us when you get a chance, no matter what time it is,” he says sternly before we say our goodbyes.

  After the brutal verbal beating from my parents, I finally grab my swim suit so I can go to the beach for some reading and sun. In the hall bathroom I change and rub the tanning oil on my skin, letting the smell of coconuts fill the small space. I dab some extra SPF on my face and reach for the door handle but pause. I can hear the boys in the living room. I forgot my cover-up in my bag. Suddenly I feel extremely self conscious. I assess my body in the mirror and double check for any unwanted stray hairs I missed. I scrutinize my thighs, pinching areas and sucking in my gut.

  I fiddle with the top of my bikini, making sure all is covered. I also make sure the knots are tight, just in case the world wants to play a cruel trick on me. Okay, there is nothing else to do now but walk out there. It’s not like they won’t see me in a bikini the rest of the week, right? I grab the handle, close my eyes, let out three long breaths, and open the door.

  I grab what I need out of my bag. I can’t look at anyone in fear that I will see their amused faces. I don’t know why I’m so self conscious but it probably stems from the fact that MJ and Cara have told me numerous times that bikinis aren’t meant for girls with curves. I didn’t realize that I had any, but compared to Cara’s waif figure I guess it’s true.

  I walk out before they can say anything to me. I manage to make my way down to the sand and I pluck open my book and begin to read. But when I have to read the same paragraph three times to understand it, I know my mind is elsewhere. I know Kellan was watching me when I walked out of the bathroom. The way he makes me feel is nothing short of annoying. I hate feeling flustered around someone.

  I have only had two boyfriends; one was in high school when I was still best friends with MJ. It wasn’t serious at all, I mean how serious can a fifteen year old couple get? I broke up with him when he got mad at me for spending too much time with MJ.

  My second boyfriend, Corey, was during college. He really seemed to like me, and I did everything for him. This was during my ‘zombie doormat’ stage, even though I’m still technically that same doormat, and I think he liked it because I never talked back to him and I did everything he wanted and never questioned him. I was just… there, with him. I didn’t feel anything special, though we did have fun together.

  But there wasn’t a spark; there wasn’t a thrill whenever I saw him. I was with Corey for about six months and throughout that time I never had that intense attraction. I’ve known Kellan for about twenty four hours and my body is on overdrive. I never felt that way with Corey, so why is Kellan so different? Sure, he’s gorgeous and totally my type, but there’s something about him that makes me
nervous. The way we talk to each other, the way he actually listens to me, the way he looks at me, it’s all a little overwhelming.

  Kellan is a player. He picks up girls and doesn’t apologize once he uses them. I’ve heard the cautionary stories before so consider me warned. But considering how he makes me feel, I don’t know if I’m strong enough to keep him at arm’s length.



  Fuck me. Why did I think coming to a beach with girls was a good idea? I am on the couch, Aubrey’s bed, with Josh talking about which clubs to hit tonight, when Aubrey comes strutting out of the bathroom with nothing on but a fucking bikini. It is black with blue strings that tie on her neck, back, and hips.

  She doesn’t look at us, just bends down (perfect view by the way) and grabs a sheer thing out of her bag, a book, and a beach towel. She knots the material around her waist, making a cute little skirt. Then without a word she walks out the back door and down the stairs to the beach.

  I hear Josh laughing so I come to and give him a questioning look.

  “Shut your jaw before you catch flies, and wipe that drool off your chin there, buddy.”

  “Whatever,” I mutter, but wipe the back of my hand across my chin just to check. Josh just laughs harder. “Shut the fuck up, Josh. You know if you weren’t with MJ you would act the same way.”

  “Damn right I would.” We continue talking about clubs and end up mapping out where we want to go. MJ and Cara told us before they left that as long as it wasn’t a dump, they didn’t care. Unfortunately, not being a dump meant a cover at the door and drinks twice the normal price. I didn’t get a chance to ask Aubrey what she thought, but there was no way I was going down to the shore to ask. That would be asking for trouble.

  Aubrey comes back inside first, her shoulders and chest a little pink from the sun. The tip of her nose is a shade pinker, too. I notice her freckles for the second time. They spatter across her nose, making her look a lot younger. Cara and MJ come back about a half hour later, while Aubrey is in the upstairs shower.

  “Maybe we can leave her here, she is so awkward I know she is going to embarrass us,” Cara says. “We can wait until she goes to the bathroom or something.”

  “No, don’t be fucking rude, Cara,” Josh snaps. “She will be fine. Maybe you guys will even have fun together.”

  MJ barks out a laugh. “Doubt it.”

  I am starting to get pissed at how callous these two girls are. Granted I have only hung out with Aubrey for about a day, but I haven’t noticed anything awkward or loser about her. I’m sure it stems from jealousy and other stupid girl crap, but I am about a minute away from blowing up. I am glad Josh said something first, who knows what I would have said to them.

  I hear the water shut off upstairs just as MJ and Cara invade the master bathroom. I have a feeling it will take forever for the girls to get ready and for some reason they have to get ready in a bathroom. It will be almost time to go before Josh and I get showers. I sit down in front of ESPN and wait my turn.

  But Aubrey surprises me again and walks down the stairs. She is dressed in a t-shirt and shorts like she’s ready for bed. “Shower is free,” she says and sits down next to me, wringing a towel around her hair. I can smell her shampoo, it smells like apples. She is sans makeup and her wet hair falls down her shoulders and back in little strings. She is looking at the TV, and when she drops the towel on the floor she lifts up a leg and tucks her foot underneath her other thigh. I try and discretely look down in hopes of seeing some extra skin but her shorts are just tight enough for maximum coverage. I immediately chastise myself for even trying and stand up to go upstairs before I make a fool of myself.

  By dinnertime everyone is ready to go. Cara and MJ spent three hours getting ready, as compared to Aubrey’s forty five minutes. MJ is wearing a short black skirt and a shimmery green halter top that shows her entire back and Cara has on a super short bright red dress that is like second skin. If she moves the wrong way too fast, it will tear to shreds. I look forward to when that happens.

  Aubrey’s dress is lime green and not as tight as Cara’s. It is just body-hugging enough to make her boobs perfect, and it stops just above her knees. She slips on a pair of black heels that make her calves rock solid. It’s been about twenty minutes and I’ve already had to adjust myself a few times. I am in trouble. I need to find a random girl, and fast.

  We go to a cantina a couple blocks away from our villa and have dinner. The five of us are crowded around a round wooden table that has green and gold tiles imbedded into it. There are streamers above our heads and our waiter is wearing a shirt that says ‘make tacos, not war’ on the back. After he takes our drink order, he comes back with a huge blue sombrero with silver sequins lining the edge. He raises his eyebrows a few times and drops it on Aubrey’s head, who squeaks and turns an adorable shade of red.

  I snap a quick picture of her with my phone before she can take it off, but she keeps it on the whole time. Josh and I order platters that could feed a small world country, while MJ and Cara get salads. I don’t fucking get that at all. Aubrey orders four tacos and both Josh and I give her a skeptical look. She just grins and winks at us while she sips her margarita.

  Our food comes and I can see MJ and Cara hungrily eying our plates. Tough shit, girls, you should have ordered something else. Aubrey eats all her tacos and even a taquito off of my platter.

  “I think I’m in love,” I say to her.

  She throws her head back and laughs. “Why?”

  “Because you eat. And you made this little moaning sound when you first took a bite. It was hot, not gonna lie.”

  After that comment, I notice Cara making sex noises when she eats a tortilla chip. How fucking obvious can a girl be? Instead of giving her the attention like she so blatantly demands, I keep my eyes on Aubrey. The sombrero on her head is tilted a little and I can see her eyes are glazed over already.

  “How many margaritas have you had?” I ask her.

  She looks down and chews on her lip in thought. Dirty things about what to do with that mouth flash in my head and when she says “three” I forget for a second what she was answering.

  We finally make it to the club and the cover is only five dollars for guys, free for girls. The bouncer is huge, with biceps the size of a fucking bowling ball. I see Josh look at him like an idol. He wants to get that big for some dumbass reason. He first wanted to be a wrestler, then when he found out how it was all staged, he changed his mind. Now he is interested in weight competitions. When we get back he is starting with a new trainer for one at the end of March. In a way, this is his last hurrah before beer, cheeseburgers, and fried shit are void from his diet.

  The music is blaring and a clusterfuck of people are littering around the bar and dance floor. Cara and MJ immediately go straight for the dance floor. Within two minutes they are on a small platform, grinding on each other. I notice a few guys below them, and one points up Cara’s dress and smiles.

  For about an hour Josh, Aubrey and I stand near a cocktail table drinking while Cara and MJ dance like whores on top of the platform. I see Aubrey letting loose a little as she sways back and forth to the music. Even though everything is loud, I hear the sound of her drink being emptied through the straw. She looks down at her empty glass and frowns, then disappears toward the bar.

  Aubrey somehow wiggles her way to the front of the bar and comes back within seconds, with two beers for us and a rum and coke for her. I pull out a twenty from my wallet and hand it to her but she waves it off and turns from me, sipping from her straw. I come up right behind her so my front is touching all of her backside.

  “Take it or I’ll shove it down your dress,” I whisper in her ear. I feel her shiver and see goose bumps envelop her exposed skin. I can’t control the grin that tugs at my lips. I did that to her.

  When she still doesn’t take it but steps forward just slightly so we aren’t touching anymore, I push harder. I enclose the distance once more and grab her
elbow, turning her to face me. Her eyes are huge and she looks scared. I step forward so our bodies are touching from knee to stomach. I take my fingertips and lightly and slowly trace them down her neck and chest. Her chest rises and falls quickly from her sudden intake of breath. When my fingers trail just above her cleavage, where her dress begins, I take the bill and tuck it into her dress.

  I take a couple steps back and smirk at her. She is stunned beyond movement at first, then anger takes over. She slams her drink onto the table, making the empties clank together and the salt shaker to tumble to the floor and roll away. Her lips are tight and in a scowl as she storms toward me. She reaches down and pulls the twenty out of her bra and wads it into a loose ball. I am not sure what she is going to do, but when she grabs hold of the waistband of my jeans I am actually shocked.

  She yanks on my jeans and shoves the twenty down the front of my pants, lets go of the waistband, pats the front of my jeans in the right spot, smiles then walks away while scooping up her drink in the process. I don’t know whether to be turned on or pissed. Or both. Yeah, definitely both.

  I see her sporadically on the dance floor, with guys and girls. Whenever I see a guy touching her I grit my teeth and have the urge to pick him up by his neck and throw him shot-put style. My blood boils and I swear I am about to turn green and become the Hulk.

  I don’t even notice other girls. A few come up to me but I get so focused on making sure Aubrey is okay I ignore their persistence and they get pissy and walk away. Josh goes back and forth between dancing with MJ and standing at the table with me.

  “Why don’t you go out there? If Aubrey won’t dance with you, Cara sure as fuck will.”

  I contemplate it for only a second and down my beer. For added flare I slam the empty bottle down. The lights above move with the music and the pedestals that the girls are dancing on are glowing from within. A black light is on above the deejay, causing everyone that smiles around him to have glowing teeth. Some Skrillex song is playing from the speakers, making me forget I am in a foreign country and not a frat party.